Re: Bug in Windows for Workgroups, Win95 beta

Dan Shearer (
Mon, 24 Jul 1995 10:58:15 +0930

> The Samba development community have discovered a security hole in
> Workgroups and Win95 beta.  Microsoft were officially informed, and
> appear to have fixed the problem in the release version of Windows 95.
> It still exists in Windows for Workgroups, and last I heard Microsoft
> were not committing to releasing a patch for the problem, but they didn't
> say they wouldn't either.

Oops... let's make that "Microsoft appear to have done nothing whatsoever
to fix the problem with Win95" It seems I was confusing myself, since I
just managed to connect to build 490.R6 and wander around the drive
starting from a shared C:\TEMP using "cd ../".

As I heard it, R6 is not a beta, it is what is being pressed
onto countless CDs right now...

 Dan Shearer                            email:
 Information Technology Unit            Phone: +61 8 302 3479
 University of South Australia          Fax  : +61 8 302 3385